don't ever leave my side as you vanish and you crumble
we scream and we mumble as we scramble
and as we manage
and as we aim to
not push it
the rule we
don't ever really
see and we never really feel
on its own
tomorrow you have shattered not tonight not before that
prepare yourself for landing and the rocks there
and the pavement
just falling doesn't hurt
lets search for all those memories and those feelings
those notions
you've forgotten
when you
misplaced and
when you tore them
it made it hard to breathe
and don't you ever wonder when you are whole and you are better
and when you're able to
climb over all those fences and the panels and
the hatred
when you finally release it
release you
when you stand up
when you get up
when you jump up
when you stand there
on your own?